Harwell Campus Named The UK’s Most Successful Science Campus
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus has been named the UK’s most successful science campus in recognition of its commitment to nurturing world-class science and technological advancements, and its contributions to the UK’s innovation economy. The award from UKSPA, acknowledges the campus’s exceptional growth and development, driven by its focus on creating an environment where leading […]
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UK Space Agency’s New Harwell HQ
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UK Science Minister visits Harwell Science Campus
Space and satellites
Astroscale UK plays key role in World’s First Debris Inspection Spacecraft, ADRAS-J
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Advanced therapies and personalised medicine – an era of ‘new biology’
Quantum technologies
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Unlocking the potential of quantum: NQCC delivers £30 million investment
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MicroCarb leaves Harwell’s RAL Space ready for launch
Life sciences and health
| Science and innovation
Personalised medicine and the vaccine revolution
Science and innovation
| Space and satellites
Oxford Space Systems funding round to drive further growth
Energy and environment
| Science and innovation
FluoRok awarded £750k grant by UKRI’s Faraday Battery Challenge
Science and innovation
| Space and satellites
Harwell’s RAL Space involved in world first private lunar landing mission
Life sciences and health
| Science and innovation